Citizens' Assemblies (with Dr. Timothy Hall & Dr. Kerstin Lücker)

Show notes

Is democracy in crisis, or is it simply evolving? In this episode, filmmaker Sabine Pusch and public policy expert Dr. Rob Keeling and tackle one of the biggest questions in modern governance: Can citizens’ assemblies truly change the way decisions are made?

With guests Dr. Kerstin Lücker and Dr. Timothy Hall, we explore: ✔ How citizens’ assemblies aim to reshape politics ✔ Why some succeed—while others fail to have an impact ✔ The political and structural challenges for democracy itself

With real stories from Berlin and London, this episode pulls back the curtain on who really holds the power in citizens’ assemblies. Are they the key to a stronger democracy—or just an illusion that makes people feel heard without real change?

🎙 Join the debate—because democracy depends on it.

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